Update Aug 2023

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August 2023 Monthly Update

A few directors & strategic advisors will be available for Office Hours this Saturday evening, September 9th.

Director & Teams Updates

Sam - Program Director

Recently Completed:

  • New contracting pipeline for PV
  • New financial relationship established with major progressive funder Way to Win
  • New detailed budget for 2024 under design

Current Work:

  • Approaching MORE content creators who could serve as the foundational members of our core group and working together on a shared set of expectations for partnership. More to come REALLY soon!!

Okami - Infrastructure Director

Recently Completed:

  • Aug 25: Phone verification added for those not joining the Discord server, aiding the recruitment team via Action Network tags.
  • Aug 31: Wiki is now public-ready with basic protections and an improved landing page.
  • Aug 7: Events interface initiated for volunteer sign-ups on the website, inclusive of an admin panel.
  • Aug 18: Addressed display issues across various browsers.
  • Aug 31: Initial version of the volunteer profile page developed, with further improvements pending.

Current work:

  • Scaling the website and backend for enhanced user consumption and task delivery.
  • Developing a feature for state leads to temporarily create event-centric channels.
  • With the wiki launched, the next step is implementing MVP tasks, with related notes and documents available.
  • Filling in state pages with voter registration details.
  • Data report in progress to determine the bounce rate.
  • Efforts on-going to scale similarly to the main website.

Jay - Public Media / Comms Director

Recent Completed Work:

  • Assisted Brianna Wu in leading the AFC streamer team, onboarding new members and getting content made!
  • AFC team GOP debate coverage!
  • AFC team pro contraception content!
  • Established talking points for media promotion of PV.
  • Approved Language for Accountability measures.
  • PV Infrastructure Doc - Master
    • These will be posted on the wiki as a part of our Infrastructure and procedure information

Current Work:

  • More AFC project work!
  • More GOP debate coverage work!
  • Prepping PR strategy for the end of the month! Big things SO SOON its crazy!

A/V Team - Jay

Completed Work:

  • AFC Recap Montage:
  • GOP Debate coverage clips

Current Work:

  • AFC content
  • GOP Debate content
  • Continue Current Priority 2 projects

PR Team - Jay

Completed Work:

  • Blusky codes handed out to leads
  • Promotional Pipeline established, needs scaling

Current Work:

  • Scaling the team for a better promotional pipeline for our content
  • Scheduling routine posts and engagement for 3 major platforms

Design Team - CTRL

Completed Work:

  • Generic banner design for use in irl engagements
  • Graphic celebrating Ohio victory.

Current Work:

Cam - Engagement Director

Recently Completed:

  • Reviewed, adjusted, and approved several state level proposals
  • Facilitated recruitment efforts for Ohio effort
  • Continued to train new Action Builder users and develop the system for use by volunteer organizers
  • Oversaw the SOC during relaunch of existing states leadership

Current Work:

  • Integrating the events team into the engagement department, including building the team, developing a schedule, and maintaining consistent events
  • Supporting SOC as they scout new state leads and develop these states
  • Upcoming organizing efforts in Virginia surrounding the fall elections
  • AFC-related organizing including events surrounding contacting your representative and researching current trends

Strategic Advisors

  • Removed legacy & inactive Advisors
  • Onboarded New Strategic Advisor! Heading up the Discord Bot Coding team!
    • Mafia [NY-25]
  • Discussed and planned out our end of year plans

Organizing Teams Updates

State Organizing Committee

Completed Work:

  • Our new coalition structure has set up weekly coalition meetings to further develop our state leads and bolster communication and collaboration
  • Onboarded 2 new state leads in high priority states: PA and AZ
  • Trained state leads on discord outreach techniques for states who are at that stage of infrastructure development

Current Work:

  • Getting all states with leadership plugged in to action builder to facilitate member outreach and organization
  • Welcome threads to create a welcome space in each state channel to catch all our new members
  • Created plan to find a develop state leads for states without leadership