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Revision as of 20:19, 11 February 2024 by CEverett (talk | contribs) (AL-2)
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Welcome to the Alabama state page! Here, Alabama organizers can access and document ongoing projects, current leadership positions, upcoming races, and other important information. This list is non-exhaustive, and state teams are encouraged to expand and adapt these pages to their organizing needs.

Political Landscape of Alabama

Partisan Composition of Alabama

Overall, Alabama is considered a red state, with a Cook PVI of R+15 as of 2022, regularly voting 60-65% Republican in statewide races. Their governor, both their US Senators and 6 (soon to be 5) of their US house representatives are Republican. Republicans also have supermajorities in the state house (77-28) and state senate (27-8), giving Republicans a veto-proof trifecta (as of 2/10/24).

Progressive Outlook for Alabama

The overall progressive strategy for Alabama is troubled. The focus here should be on forming a strong opposition and blunting the Republican legislature while federal help arrives. Unfortunately, this cannot be done via citizen-led ballot initiatives. There is hope, however - a key progressive priority here for the 2024 election cycle should be on making sure a progressive wins the Democratic primary in AL-2 - recently redistricting to a safe Democrat seat due to a violation of the Voting Rights Act (VRA). Alabama is an open primary state - it is recommended that you vote for moderate Republicans in the Republican primary on a statewide level to further lessen the harm.

Get Involved

Register to Vote in Alabama


Progressive Organizations in Alabama

Below is a list of progressive organizations in Alabama. If you see a state organization that isn't on this list, please add it.

Notable Campaigns in 2024

Below is a list of progressive candidates or ballot measures in the 2024 election cycle for Alabama. Non-progressive candidates may also be placed here if they are substantially to the left of their district's partisan lean and worth campaigning for. If you see a candidate or ballot measure that should be on this list, please add them.

March 5th Primary Election (Filing Deadline November 10th 2023)

  • Napoleon Bracy Jr. for US House AL-2- Bracy Jr. seems like the most progressive candidate with a shot of placing top two for the primary runoff, so if you're in Alabama he's your best shot for results!
  • AL-7: Incumbent Terri Sewell (D) is facing a primary challenge from Chris Davis (D), state legislator. This contest is definitely worth looking into as this is the only other blue US House district in Alabama.

April 16th Primary Runoff

November 5th General Election

Run for Local Office

An underrated way to impact change is to run for a local position! Please feel free to add information on doing so below.