PV Accomplishments

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What has Progressive Victory accomplished?

The 2022 Midterms

Progressive Victory was founded during the 2022 midterms. In just two months of operation, we successfully filled 5,100 volunteer shifts and reached 290,000 voters.

We have mobilized on the most important and urgent fights for a progressive future:

VA Senate District-7 special election

Our voter contact campaign positively ID'd 1,141 Rouse supporters. Rouse’s campaign turned out the voters we IDed and he won by only 348 votes, ending Youngkin’s abortion ban legislation and presidential ambitions in one stroke.

PA House District-32 special election

We hosted 7 phonebanks for McAndew and made over 48,000 dials, resulting in identifying 1,136 McAndrew supporters. This total accounted for 12% of voters that turned out in support of McAndrew.

Wisconsin Supreme Court election

This election marks the first time since 2022 that we have reengaged and expanded our streamer network, and as a result our cohort of affiliated streamers has grown by 1 million subscribers.

Our primary focus in Wisconsin was in-person canvass efforts in Waukesha county, where we knocked 8,000 doors.

Ohio Special Election (No on Issue 1.)

Progressive Victory was able to mobilize volunteers to do 6 phonebanks in just two weeks! Dialing 67,146 Ohio Voters in order to inform and secure the no vote on this issue.

We are proud of our accomplishments, and we are committed to continuing to fight for a progressive future.