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Revision as of 19:19, 11 February 2024 by CEverett (talk | contribs) (Updated elections in FL, removed voting section to own page)
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Welcome to the Florida state page! Here, Florida organizers can access and document ongoing projects, current leadership positions, upcoming races, and other important information. This list is non-exhaustive, and state teams are encouraged to expand and adapt these pages to their organizing needs.

Political Landscape of Florida

Partisan Composition of Florida

Overall, Florida is considered a red state, with a Cook PVI of R+3 as of 2022, regularly voting 50-60% Republican in statewide races. Their US Senators and governor are Republicans. Their US House delegation is split and Republican-dominant due to gerrymandering, with 8 Democrats and 20 Republicans. Republicans also have supermajorities in the state legislature; 84 to 36 in the state house, 28 to 12 on the state senate, giving them a veto-proof trifecta (as of 2/8/24).

Progressive Outlook for Florida

The overall progressive strategy for Florida is troubled. The governor and state legislature regularly commit acts of hostility against trans people and schools and citizen-led ballot initiatives, short of amendments, are not allowed. As such, the overall strategy here should be formed in opposition and blunting the power of the state legislature as we attempt to flip the state back blue and toss out the gerrymandered US House map. As Florida is a closed primary state, you should register with whichever party whose primaries you wish to enact change in.

Get Involved

Register to Vote in Florida


Progressive Organizations in Florida

Below is a list of progressive organizations in Florida. If you see a state organization that isn't on this list, please add it.

Notable Campaigns in 2024

Below is a list of progressive candidates or ballot measures in the 2024 election cycle for Florida. Non-progressive candidates may also be placed here if they are substantially to the left of their district's partisan lean and worth campaigning for. If you see a candidate or ballot measure that should be on this list, please add them.

March 19th Clearwater Mayoral Election

  • Kathleen Beckman - https://beckmanformayor.com/- Having progressive options on the local level is very important, and Clearwater FL is home to over 110,000 people who could be represented by a progressive voice! Now's your chance to help.

August 20th Primary Elections (Filing Deadline April 16th)

  • To be updated April 16th with primary challengers.

November 5th General Elections

  • FL-27 US House (D+1 according to 538) -
  • FL-28 US House (R+4 according to 538) -

Ballot Measures

  • Florida Amendment 3, Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2024): This amendment would legalize Marijuana for anyone over the age of 21.
  • Florida Amendment 4, Right to Abortion Initiative (2024): This amendment would establish a right to abortion in the state of Florida until the point of fetal viability (~24 weeks) as determined by a doctor.

Run for Local Office

An underrated way to impact change is to run for a local position! Please feel free to add information on doing so below.

Florida Legislature:

Per Article III, Section 1 of the Florida Constitution, the legislature is established as a bicameral body, composed of a house of representatives and a senate. [1]Florida House of Representatives:

The Florida House of Representatives is composed of 120 member districts, the most allowed under Article III, Section 16 of the Florida Constitution. [2]

Interactive house district map: https://redistricting.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=7bd994dee18448809be1a1a2110d323a

Resource for finding your current representative: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/FindYourRepresentative

Florida Senate:

The Florida Senate is composed of 40 member districts, the most allowed under Article III, Section 16 of the Florida Constitution. [3]

Interactive senate district map: https://redistricting.maps.arcgis.com/apps/View/index.html?appid=a1efd16272984e47b9940f179a5cbe18

Resource for finding your current senator: https://www.flsenate.gov/Senators/Find